The final piece of the puzzle, website promotion, is one of the most important and many times neglected areas of website development.
The first part of website promotion is selecting an effective domain name. Good memorable domain names are becoming more rare, but they are still available. We are experts in setting up domain names. If you already have a domain name, we can help you transfer it to your new website. If you don't have one, we can help you set one up.
It is critical to weave your website throughout the Internet. You can do this by submitting your website to the search engines like Google and Alta Vista. Directories like Yahoo are also popular places to list your website.
To get the greatest results with search engines, you need to make sure your webpages are prepared to be indexed by the search engines. EZ-PageBuilder has a built-in META Tag creator.
A META Tag provides the code that many search engines use to rank their pages. Establishing proper META Tags is a critical element in search engine work.
Once the META Tags have been created, submission to the most popular search engines are critical. Search engines do not mysteriously find websites, you have to submit them. With the EZ-Submit™ program, you can choose which of the top search engines you want to submit to and the program will direct you to the submission screen of each individual search engine.
Today, search engines share data with each other - when you focus on the top search engines, your information will spread to the others. EZ-Submit helps manage the submission activity.
Another way to increase traffic to your website is by trading links with other websites. In a link trade, you link from your website to another website, and they return the favor. This will not only provide more avenues to your website but will also help increase your rankings in some popular search engines. EZ-NetTools includes EZ-LinkTrader which simplifies and manages the task of trading links with other websites.
After you have worked so hard to get visitors to your website, it is smart marketing to capture their name, e-mail address and interests whenever possible. With EZ-MailList, you can build an "Opt-in" e-mail database to collect this critical information.
Website visitors can be solicited to enter their name and e-mail address to receive promotional information. Those who are interested can enter their own name into the database from your website. Because they enter their own information, you have permission to e-mail information to them without it being considered SPAM (unwanted junk e-mail). This is a powerful method to drive business through your website.
An important part of website promotion is tracking the effectiveness of your promotional efforts. With EZ-NetTools, a "hit" counter is automatically placed on each page of your website.
Hit counters track visits to webpages. Since our system puts a counter of each page within the system, you will know exactly which pages are being effective and which ones are not. This way, you can track the interests of your visitors.
Some businesses may want to provide websites for their dealers or satellite offices. The websites,, called affiliate websites, may have a local feel to them but will link to one central website to transact the business.
With EZ-Affiliate, this can be accomplished with a minimum of set-up. Affiliate websites that link to the central website will pass information which can give sales credit to the appropriate affiliate. All the while, the affiliate can maintain it's individual identity. This is an advanced marketing technique but is very powerful!