Outlining and developing webpages is an exciting part of your online experience. This is where your ideas become visual so you can share them with the world.
Website creation takes careful planning to insure accomplishment of your marketing objectives. There are several dynamic website creation tools within the EZ-NetTools™ system which make it easy to perform what used to be complicated tasks on the Web.
The central webpage creation program within EZ-NetTools™ is EZ-PageBuilder™. This easy-to-use program utilizes point & click technology which is FREE FORM based. This means that when designing webpages, you can place objects & features on your webpages wherever you want, in an easy and simple to use format.
With EZ-PageBuilder™, webpages are not limited to template layouts, colors, or styles. You can custom create layouts, styles and colors that exactly match your business identity. #000000
With EZ-NetTools, you can solicit names and e-mail addresses from people visiting your website and build your own "opt-in" mail list. Then you can e-mail information to all the people on your list who have requested information.
EZ-Calendar and Much More
Other programs within the EZ-NetTools system include an online calendar, bulletin board, and much more. It also makes it easy to setup an online catalog of products!
There is NO PROGRAMMING REQUIRED for any of these features. If however, you are already versed with HTML or Java programming, your custom coding can easily be implemented directly into the EZ-PageBuilder program.