Welcome to Villa Dos Colinas!! Puerto Cayo, Ecuador
We continue to get closer to our goal of renting out our new casita! The doors are finally finished (to Doug's satisfaction). Screens need to be finished, and furniture needs to be purchased. Hopefully within the week, we can accomplish these final tasks, and get the word out that we are ready for residents!
Coco is growing amazingly fast.... she eats almost constantly, so guess she should be! She and Woody run everyday (and sometimes, much of the night) together - great exercise for both of them.
Check out our progress below in the latest photos and the slideshow below:
Miercoles, 11/04/2019:
Although it's his birthday, Doug does one of his favorite things - working with wood! After multiple sandings, and coats of varnish, the two doors for the casita are truly beautiful! Great job, Douglas!

Lunes, 11/16/2019:
Doug is anxious to get started on the next rental unit (guest room with bath), facing the ocean just up the hill from the casita. Today Wilter brought his 11-year old son, Wilter Jesus, to help him...like father, like son - Jr. is a great little worker!
Miercoles, 11/18/2019:
Wilter works on the site for the new guest room. It will feature a sliding glass door onto the porch facing the ocean.

Miercoles, 11/18/2019:
Have started a little landscaping on the casita. Geraniums near the front porch, with "carne de perro" which will cover the bank inside the rocks...
Miercoles, 11/18/2019:
On the side of the casita, Doug has planted oregano plants. We plan to add more herbs so that our guests will have their own herb garden!

Miercoles, 11/18/2019:
The casita "front yard", looking toward the ocean from the front porch. With a nice ocean breeze, it's a great spot to relax.
Miercoles, 11/18/2019:
The casita looking west to the ocean.

Miercoles, 11/18/2019:
A little further up the hill, looking west at the site for the new guest room.
Miercoles, 11/18/2019:
Coco and Woody...thank goodness they are becoming great friends now (we weren't too sure the first couple of weeks!). But now, where one goes, the other usually follows.

Miercoles, 11/18/2019:
We are very pleased with the progress our plantings have made. The carne de perro has filled in by the pool (as well as many other locations we have transplanted with it). Great ground cover!
Miercoles, 11/18/2019:
Papayas on the small tree in front of our house. We have been harvesting papaya from the trees in the quebrada for several weeks now.

Miercoles, 11/18/2019:
Doug's "pepper patch" in front of our house. Hot peppers as well as green bell peppers are all growing well...
Miercoles, 11/18/2019:
The doors Doug was working on earlier this month are finally ready! The wood is a laurel (really beautiful), handmade by a craftsman in Jipijapa. Here, the door for the bathroom is ready to install.
Miercoles, 11/18/2019:
And finally, we have a front door on the casita! We love the way it looks with the bamboo.

Jueves, 11/21/2019:
After cutting the site for the new room into the slope, Wilter and Fernando work on a retaining wall of rock and cement.
Jueves, 11/21/2019:
And in preparation for pouring a foundation, and more rock barriers to direct rainwater, we have purchased another 4 meters of large rock.
October 25, 2019 (Happy Birthday, Mom!)
Please meet the newest member of our family! "Coco".... sometimes known as Coco Loco... she is a 2 month old mix, and is cute as a button - but she is definitely a "puppy"!
Thinking that Woody was lonely and needed a companion, we had put the word out we were looking for another dog. A friend of Wilter's happened to have this puppy, and she came to work with Wilter on October 16th. Woody is still not sure he wants her here, but things are becoming less tense everyday. He now "tolerates" her, but lets her know if she gets too close! So we are trying to let the two of them work things out.
Meanwhile, check out our progress on our rental casita (water and electricity are now functional) in the latest photos and the slideshow below:
Martes, 10/15/2019:
Isacio completes the tilework in the outdoor shower. The tiles run from the showerhead down to the floor, and really sets off the faucets.

Miercoles, 10/16/2019:
So today when Wilter arrived to work, out of his backpack came this little fluff-ball...it was instant love... but, we both forgot how much work it is to train a puppy! This should be interesting.
Miercoles, 10/16/2019:
Isacio and Wilter work on finishing off the front porch of the casita. A colored powder is added to a thin layer of fresh cement to give the floor color.

Jueves, 10/17/2019:
Cesar, our electrician, returned today to start running the power line to the casita - and also to the front gate so that we can add a light at the entrance.
Viernes, 10/18/2019:
Cesar (with Doug's supervision) runs the line to the gate to install a light below the roof to light the entranceway.

Viernes, 10/18/2019:
The light should illuminate the "Villa Dos Colinas" sign below it.
Lunes, 10/21/2019:
Coco seems to be settling in - and has started exploring... she has decided that she likes to lay in the "carne de perro" plants, and her white hair makes quite the contrast with the bright green plant!

Martes, 10/22/2019:
The casita interior is being wired. Here, Cesar works in the breaker box in the "closet" or storage area.
Jueves, 10/24/2019:
With Wilter's help with the wiring, they are wrapping up the electrical work today. Light fixtures are just about completed being installed.

Jueves, 10/24/2019:
Doug couldn't wait for it to get dark so he could check out how it looks with lighting down the hill! Many fixtures here are LED, like this one on the porch, which really produce a lot of light!