Welcome to Villa Dos Colinas!!
And a Happy Fourth of July - Independence Day - for all in the U.S.!
Here in Puerto Cayo, we are experiencing a day of "garua"... misty, drizzle! Our fruit trees in the quebrada love this kind of weather. A perfect day for staying indoors and uploading photos to the Internet! Also, a much needed day of rest - no construction today in the rain.
We are moving forward on our little casita near the gate. Brickwork almost complete, and soon we'll start erecting the bamboo portion and the roof. Can't wait to see the results. Check out the latest photos below and in the slide show.
Viernes, 6/28/2019:
Santiago works on squaring out and beginning the brick walls of what will become the bathroom in our little casita. Since there is quite a bit of slope behind it, we are using brick for the bottom section of wall - with bamboo above.

Viernes, 6/28/2019:
Near the front gate, looking into the quebrada (ravine) where the fruit trees have been planted. Here, you can see sugar cane, bananas and plantains - all growing like crazy. Really looking forward to picking our own fruit...
Viernes, 6/28/2019:
Outside the front gate. Our puerta is now finished - yellow, red and blue of the Ecuadorian flag. Our carpenter, Maestro Miranda, is working on a logo in wood (of 2 mountains) which will go on the bamboo section of fence; and also a sign to hang above the entrance with the name "Villa Dos Colinas".

Sabado, 6/29/2019:
Work continues on the bathroom brickwork in the casita.
Sabado, 6/29/2019:
Santiago is standing in the sink section of the bathroom, with the toilet to go behind the little privacy wall. To the left, will be the shower.

Sabado, 6/29/2019:
The view from the top of the back hill where Paulo has been clearing out the weeds and vines. A wonderful view of the ocean from this vantage point also!
Sabado, 6/29/2019:
Also from the back hill, looking towards the entrance gate, and stairs leading to the path up to our casita. To the left of the stairs above the trees, you can see the construction of the new casita.

Martes, 7/2/2019:
Brick on the backside of the casita has gone up, continuing into the kitchen area of the casita. In front of the bath and kitchen will be an open area for bedroom and living area.
Miercoles, 7/3/2019:
Back wall of the casita: from the left, a small closet or storage area, space for a fridge, countertop for sink and cooktop (with storage shelves underneath) next to the brick bathroom wall.
Jueves, June 20, 2019: As usual, another busy week! Yesterday we had a visit from a vendor of these gorgeous palms... and at only $3 each, we bought six! Today we got them all planted, and they look super.
Work continues on the casita; friends stop by; we are gifted some grass from Casa Anna; we keep thinking we should soon have some time to relax, but doesn't seem to be working out that way.
But at the end of each day, we find our way to our porch, look at the ocean and reflect on all that was accomplished that day - life is truly good! The marketing motto of our new country is "Ama La Vida".... how true, Love Life!
Miercoles, 6/19/2019:
Moving along on the casita foundation. Cement is being poured over the rebar to form the footers. This will be an amazingly strong foundation!

Miercoles, 6/19/2019:
Paulo has been working on "cleaning" the back hill. Here is the view from there, looking west toward our casita and palapa (and beyond, the ocean).
Jueves, 6/20/2019:
Another one of our new palms. Here they call them "Washington" palms, but they are closely related to an areca palm, in our opinion. At slightly over 6 ft tall, they were an amazing buy.

Jueves, 6/20/2019:
Back at the casita, they are preparing to layout out the sewer and drain lines before finishing the footer on that side of the building.
Jueves, 6/20/2019:
When returning from the village today, I stopped by where we buy our bottles of water, gas and beer, and invited the owner (a friend) to come visit. So, she and several of her employees, with her grandchildren in tow, all walked back up the highway with me. It wasn't long before the kids had stripped down and were in the pool!

Jueves, 6/20/2019:
And Woody had his first visitors of the canine variety - Narcissa's dogs followed along. Happily, all four dogs got along just fine. Woody let his visitors browse, and then they all had some good sniffs of each other!
Viernes, 6/21/2019:
Ney came by today to prepare for repainting our entrance gate. Here he wraps the columns with cardboard to protect from the paint spray.

Viernes, 6/21/2019:
Wilter and Santiago hard at work on the foundation.
Viernes, 6/21/2019:
Anna from Casa Anna came by to deliver some grass she had removed from her yard. Her Workaway volunteers unloaded for us: Roxanne & Igor from Latvia, and Tim and Sherri from Berlin, Germany.

Viernes, 6/21/2019:
This foundation is not going "anywhere", folks!
Viernes, 6/21/2019:
And, the day we've been waiting for since October! The electric company is finally here with our electric meter!

Viernes, 6/21/2019:
We are finally legal! Have to admit, it was kind of nice not having to pay for electricity for the past 8 months or so - but the constant threat of being cut off was no fun. For whatever reason, it takes a long time here to get your meter, as we've heard from multiple people.
Viernes, 6/21/2019:
Back at the casita, it's postre time! (postre = dessert). Doug's custom made "compactor" is visible here - seems to work great for tamping down the dirt for the casita slab.

Viernes, 6/28/2019:
Near the front gate, looking into the quebrada (ravine) where the fruit trees have been planted. Here, you can see sugar cane, bananas and plantains - all growing like crazy. Really looking forward to picking our own fruit...
Viernes, 6/28/2019:
Outside the front gate. Our puerta is now finished - yellow, red and blue of the Ecuadorian flag. Our carpenter, Maestro Miranda, is working on a logo in wood (of 2 mountains) which will go on the bamboo section of fence; and also a sign to hang above the entrance with the name "Villa Dos Colinas".

Sabado, 6/29/2019:
Work continues on the bathroom brickwork in the casita.

Viernes, 6/21/2019:
The front puerta has been sprayed with an antioxidant paint - and is now ready for the next sunny day to complete the paint job. We have chosen a dark blue, to go with the yellow columns and red roof - forming the colors of the Ecuadorian flag (same as the Colombian and Venezuelan flags). All three countries were originally part of "Gran Colombia", a single unified South American country which Simon Bolivar tried to create.
Sabado, 6/22/2019:
Rebar, rocks and cement have all been done for the foundation. Now the guys are doing more packing down and leveling out in preparation for pouring the slab.

Sabado, 6/22/2019:
Doug makes some upgrades to Woody's bed....therefore, while the mattresses bake a little in the sun, Mr. Woody is forced to use them "as is". When somebody takes your bed away, you just have to make do.
Sabado, 6/22/2019:
But he is definitely keeping a close eye on things - making sure Doug puts it back together to his liking!

Domingo, 6/23/2019:
The guys are off today - but it appears that the iron netting is in place, ready to start pouring the slab.
Lunes, 6/24/2019:
Wilter appears to have the septic line buried, connected to the septic tank, and ready to cover up.

Lunes, 6/24/2019:
Where the septic line connects to the tank, they have installed a "Y" to also connect a rental guestroom that we plan to build next, just up the hill from this casita.
Lunes, 6/24/2019:
The Y is capped off, and lines are buried.

Martes, 6/25/2019:
We continue to work on "murritos" (little rock walls) to protect the edges of slopes from rain damage. Today Wilter encases the second level turning area, while awaiting the delivery of more sand and gravel to mix cement tomorrow for the casita floor.
Just Uploaded! June 28, 2019
We Got Our New Doors!!
Miercoles, June 26, 2019: Our custom made doors for the palapa arrived, and they are absolutely GORGEOUS. Even better than we anticipated. Maestro Miranda is truly a master carpenter, and a true craftsman!
Check out the progress of the last couple days in the photos and slide show below.
Miercoles, 6/26/2019:
We asked for a "louvered" door for the pump room, as there is some heat generated when pool filter is running. Wow! This door is phenomenal.... perfecto!

Miercoles, 6/26/2019:
Today we have 4 guys working on the casita - the plan is to pour the whole floor in one day. Here, we are almost halfway!
Miercoles, 6/26/2019:
Maestro and his son have the pump room door hung. The son learns the trade from his father, and another generation of expert carpenters continues!

Miercoles, 6/26/2019:
The bodega and bathroom doors are hung in the palapa. The wood is natural laurel, finished with a brilliant clear lacquer. Laurel is a very popular wood in Ecuador, and we love it because of the natural color variations.
Miercoles, 6/26/2019:
Doug drew four designs for the doors. The one we chose is the bottom left.... Maestro did an incredible job of carrying out Doug's design. And the design is actually repeated on both sides of the door. Unbelievable!

Miercoles, 6/26/2019:
Back at the casita, the concrete pour continues!
Miercoles, 6/26/2019:
We are so pleased with today's work! The three doors, made to our specifications, were somewhat costly by Ecuadorian standards - but by American standards, you probably couldn't buy one door (let alone 3) for what we paid! $550.00.

Jueves, 6/27/2019:
Another busy day! We ordered another 1,000 bricks - approximatetly the first meter of the walls will be brick - and the bricks were delivered within a couple of hours.
Jueves, 6/27/2019:
Wood is quite expensive in Ecuador, so we will use wood support only for the four corners. The rest of the wall/roof supports will be bamboo. Can't wait to see our casita take shape! Great job, Santiago!

Jueves, 6/27/2019:
The sun came out today - so, we now have our gate painted - the blue of the Ecuadorian flag! Looks great, Ney! We love it. Ney migrated from Venezuela, and works extremely hard, making a new life for his wife and daughter here in Ecuador. We have been extremely lucky to meet many incredible people here.
Lunes, June 17, 2019: We are continuing to plan and work towards a small caretakers casita...and Doug continues to put his "touches" on our living space!
The cistern behind our casita is the preferred workplace, as it is right outside his "bodega" (his personal workshop). He has been working on getting his space organized - but the major addition will be his work table that he is working on in this photo.
Check out the slide show and photos below for what's been happening this week!
Lunes, 6/10/2019: "McGeever" has devised a plan to make a "compactor" with materials on-hand.... he built a wood frame, added some rebar and a handle, and will have Wilter add enough cement for whatever weight he thinks he can handle!

Lunes, 6/10/2019: This section of the driveway now has a low rock wall to help protect from erosion during heavy rains.
Lunes, 6/10/2019: The upper level drive, after adding base material and making the area slightly larger after losing soil during the winter rains.

Martes, 6/11/2019: A closer look at the "roundabout" section of drive - vetitver plants have been replaced where they were washed away with the rains.
Martes, 6/11/2019: Paulo continues to clear out the weeds and vines on the back hill... he does an amazing job!

Martes, 6/11/2019: The guys work on a brick barrier at the edge of the concrete stairs inside the front gate. This also will direct any rainwater off the hill, and down the concrete - rather than washing away the soil.
Martes, 6/11/2019: What do you do with leftover pieces of ceramic tile? You break them up and make a beautiful artistic floor over the concrete under the stairs. Perfect for storing the pool equipment.

Martes, 6/11/2019:
Great job, guys! Love it...
Viernes, 6/14/2019: Preparing the site for the caretaker casita. Footings of rock, rebar and cement will form the initial foundation in the areas they have dug out.

Viernes, 6/14/2019: Not the easiest site to work with considering the slope - but the guys have it all figured out. There will be a small porch on the front, so I assume there will be several steps leading up.
Viernes, 6/14/2019: Supplies purchased in Jipijapa yesterday were delivered today - including 30 sacks of cement (50 kg each).

Viernes, 6/14/2019: "Don't worry folks! I'll guard the materials for you!", says Woody. Rebar, PVC, etc. ready to get going on the casita foundation.
Sabado, 6/15/2019: Paulo has planted a row of "carne de perro" for us alongside the little rock wall protecting the bank. Hopefully it will quickly spread to cover the whole bank - it's a great ground cover!

Sabado, 6/15/2019: Woody helps check out the progress on the casita foundation. Lots of concrete in the ground!
Lunes, 6/17/2019: Misty rain today, not good for doing foundation work. But it won't stop Doug from working on his table for his workshop. Of course, time out to pet Woody!
Martes, 6/18/2019:
Full house for brunch! Doug fixes sandwiches/potatoes (with my postre) for the guys working for us. Wilter, Santiago, & Edison working on the casita, and Paulo, our gardener.

Martes, 6/18/2019:
Putting rebar down prior to pouring cement for the footers of the casita.
Martes, 6/18/2019:
Lots of rebar and cement on the front of the casita where the slope is the greatest! There will be a small porch along this side.
Lunes, June 3, 2019: With the palapa nearly done, (doors for bodega and bathroom yet to be installed), we are moving forward on our little bamboo casita!
Wilter found a good deal on bricks, so we had 1,000 "ladrillo" delivered today. With the hole for the septic already dug, the guys can now start bricking it up.
Reflecting on life in general, we have decided that moving to a completely new and different culture (country) is not the "easiest" thing to do - however, this challenge may just be what we really needed. A different language to keep the brain sharp; and a much more physical lifestyle to keep the old bodies going! We love it.
Lunes, 6/3/2019: The chicos unload our truckload of bricks near the front entrance. Approximately 800 will be positioned here to use for the septic for the new casita, and the others will be unloaded in the drive up near our casita, for future use.

Martes, 6/4/2019: Brick, sand and cement have been positioned near the septic tank hole, ready to complete work on this today.
Martes, 6/4/2019: The inflow tube into the septic tank has been positioned, and the walls will be be built up from here.

Martes, 6/4/2019: Santiago meticulously lays each brick - it is easy to see the pride these craftsmen take in their work - even if it's just the walls of a septic tank!
Miercoles, 6/5/2019: Ready to start the top of the septic. First are bamboo supports, covered with wooden boards. The rebar will go over that, and completed with a concrete top.

Miercoles, 6/5/2019: Wilter oversees the placement of the rebar, as Doug and I check out the progress!
Miercoles, 6/5/2019: And the concrete is poured. In the future, we will most likely add a palm top (like the cabana we have near our casita), and it will function as a cabana or BBQ type area.

Miercoles, 6/5/2019: When the guys returned from lunch today, Wilter brought us a bag of fresh lenguado (flounder). So, two go in the freezer, and this one is dinner! Delicious!
Jueves, 6/6/2019: Slightly up the hill and to the east of the septic tank, the guys work out laying out the site for the casita.

Jueves, 6/6/2019: In the meantime, Byron has arrived with the machine to fix our driveways, and the first of 9 truckloads of material to be spread is here. It's going to be a busy day!
Jueves, 6/6/2019: Another load of base material for the drive area behind our casita.

Jueves, 6/6/2019: With no burning restrictions in Ecuador, this is the easiest way to clean up and get rid of the limbs, weeds, etc. Edison burns a pile of limbs cut from the casita site.
Jueves, 6/6/2019: Byron parks the Caterpillar for the night, as he must return in the morning to finish our job. Woody inspects the day's work!

Jueves, 6/6/2019: Looking south from the second level of the drive, up to the third level near the palapa and cabana, and down to the roundabout on the first level.
Jueves, 6/6/2019: Much work was done today to correct the damage done by this year's rains, and will be finished tomorrow. Now, we can catch up on the day's D-Day events on YouTube!

Viernes, 6/7/2019: Before finishing the job today on the drives, Byron will dig out the area for the bamboo casita foundation. But first, Wilter "ties down" our little cherry tree in the middle of the pathway - and the machine should just roll over the top without breaking my tree!
Viernes, 6/7/2019: This land is very rocky and would take the guys 4 days to try and dig the foundation by hand. Luckily, Byron was able to get the Cat in where needed, and will do a much faster job!

Viernes, 6/7/2019: Looking west toward the bamboo casita site from the driveway.
Viernes, 6/7/2019: From the casita site looking northeast toward the front entrance gate. It's quite a cozy little spot for a casita!

Sabado, 6/8/2019: After putting more material on the drive, it is higher than the pathway between our casita and the front gate. But since we now have brick, Wilter built us this "grand little staircase" to the drive!
Sabado, 6/8/2019: It appears the day's activities have completely worn out Mr. Woody! He follows us everywhere, but just naps wherever he feels the need.

Sabado, 6/8/2019: And while we go up to the balcony of the palapa to survey the day's work - Woody decides that beside the pool is far enough! There will be more fun tomorrow!