Welcome to Villa Dos Colinas!!
It is generally accepted that the Southern Hemisphere is the opposite of the Northern in terms of climate/seasons. Yes, here in Ecuador, it is verano ("summer"), but our summer is actually the coolest time of year. And invierno ("winter") is the warmest time of year. But here, the seasons are normally associated more with the "dry" vs. the "wet" season. Wet is usually during the winter, and beginning in April or May, it generally is dry. But not this year!
Again today, we have a misty rain, and quite chilly temps (probably around 70 degrees)... a perfect day to upload the latest photos to the website! We are still working hard on the new casita, as the wet weather allows....
Check out the latest photos and in the slideshow below:
JUST UPLOADED - July 24, 2019
Domingo, 7/21/2019:
Sunday morning, and a new "first" for us. After hearing music coming from the highway, we looked out to see a funeral procession parading down the coastal highway toward the village. In the lead, a truck with speakers and a singer with his microphone!

Lunes, 7/22/2019:
With the roof supports in place, work begins on putting the cana picada walls in place - here the front wall between the porch and living area.
Lunes, 7/22/2019:
The view of the front of casita. The walls are made of cut pieces of bamboo (cana), called cana picada. A thin layer of cement will be applied "inside" the wall to seal them from the elements, insects, etc.

Martes, 7/23/2019:
Finally, the metal roof goes on - the outside is painted red, with a creme color on the interior ceiling side. (The are the pieces Doug and I have been working so hard to paint!)...we have the other half to go.
Martes, 7/23/2019:
Bamboo walls continue to go up. Our casita is finally beginning to look like an actual little house!

Martes, 7/23/2019:
When the sun shines, the ocean is an absolutely beautiful blue color!... and the sun came out today. Couldn't resist trying to capture the awesomeness of our view.
Martes, 7/23/2019:
While Woody enjoys napping in the shade between our house and pool, I am again struck by the beauty of the ocean today!

Martes, 7/23/2019:
Standing in the kitchen area of the casita, you can see that the ceiling is high - along the back will be high windows to catch the breeze from the ocean. Really feels different with a roof!
Viernes, 7/12/2019:
With Santiago in Guayaquil for a family funeral, Wilter works on the brickwork in the casita. He has been telling us that our "little casita" is actually quite upgraded by Ecuadorian standards! And, with costs continuing to grow, we have decided this might become a "rental" casita to bring in some income, which could then be used for further construction.

Viernes, 7/12/2019:
The view from the front corner of the casita.
Viernes, 7/12/2019:
Front view. The bamboo canes show where the front wall will be - with a porch running the full length of the front of the casita.

Viernes, 7/12/2019:
Another view of the front of casita. The bedroom area is in front of the brick wall (bathroom), and the living area in front of the kitchen.
Viernes, 7/12/2019:
The kitchen and closet/storage area in the casita. The brick interior walls have had a thin layer of cement applied which will be painted.

Lunes, 7/15/2019:
Before we do much more bamboo work, Doug wanted the piles of tree limbs, etc. burned so that there is no fear of catching the casita on fire! It looks like a lot of smoke here, but it actually burns quite quickly.
Martes, 7/16/2019:
The long bamboo canes were cut and delivered for the roof, so the guys are now attaching the supports for the roof. The roofing material will be screwed to wooden stringers which will be placed on top of the bamboo.

Miercoles, 7/17/2019:
With the weather cooperating today, Doug and I try to get the roof sections painted. Here the red paint is being applied over top of the anti-rust primer.
Miercoles, 7/17/2019:
We still need to paint the underneath side (which will be the ceiling of the casita) a creme color. And, we only have about half of the panels layed out here - we have about the same amount still to go!

Miercoles, 7/17/2019:
The bamboo canes are in place for the roof. The roof slants down towards the front, so that any rain will drain down the hill in front of the casita. Windows will line the upper part of the back wall to catch the ocean breeze.
Miercoles, 7/17/2019:
Looking into the casita from the pathway side. Steps will be placed at the front of the porch, near the doorway on the walkway side.

Miercoles, 7/17/2019:
The view from the driveway just inside the front gate... steps up to the pathway leading to the new casita, and our house further up the hill.
Jueves, 7/18/2019:
Returning from a shopping trip to Jipijapa today, we go down to the casita to check out today's progress.... wood stringers have been attached to the roof cana, and they are just about ready to attach the roofing (when we get it painted!). Can't wait to see the roof in place.
Someday we will act like we are "retired"...but not today! Work continues on the small "caretakers" casita near the entrance gate. And at the same time, we are making plans for a guestroom (room with bath and oceanside porch) near the new casita.
Our gardener has been working on clearing off the front hill (from our house down the hill towards the street). In this photo, you can see the site where we plan to build our guestroom. With bamboo growing near the front porch, and a great ocean view, we really like this location!
Check out the latest photos and in the slideshow below:
Sabado, 7/6/2019:
The counter in the kitchen has been poured....concrete, which will be covered with ceramic. To the left is the area for the refrigerator.

Sabado, 7/6/2019:
The brick bathroom walls have been completed. The brick will be left exposed, as we really like the "rustic" look!
Sabado, 7/6/2019:
View of the casita from the front.

Sabado, 7/6/2019:
On the next level up the hill from the casita is the site for our future guestroom. To the south side is a beautiful small stand of bamboo, and front and center is the Pacific Ocean!
Sabado, 7/6/2019:
Guestroom site looking toward the northeast. The beautiful tree in front of the large cactus is a barbasco - native to Ecuador and we have many on the property. The room will be built approximately where you see the "log".

Sabado, 7/6/2019:
Guestroom site looking southeast toward our house (up the hill). Again, the log on the ground is approximately where it will be located.
Sabado, 7/6/2019:
Bamboo near the guestroom site, looking up the hill at our casita.

Sabado, 7/6/2019:
It's amazing how fast things grow here! Behind our casita, the vetiver and moyuyo have grown so much you can hardly see the water cistern anymore.
Sabado, 7/6/2019:
Sheets of metal roofing material for the caretaker casita... lying in the drive behind the palapa, awaiting being painted - red on top, and a creme color for the casita interior side.

Domingo, 7/7/2019:
The sun came out this morning, making a great time to take photos! We never tire of these views from our hilltop perch...
Domingo, 7/7/2019:
Woody loves to "sunbathe" around the pool! From a homeless "beach dog" to "king of the pool"... you've come a long way, Woody! He got in trouble recently for leaving the property and crossing the highway, exploring I guess - but he does seem to love it here.

Domingo, 7/7/2019:
Yes.... life is good in Ecuador!
Domingo, 7/7/2019:
The sink we bought Friday in Jipijapa is in the kitchen, and work will continue with the bamboo walls very shortly.

Domingo, 7/7/2019:
Front view of the caretakers casita.
Domingo, 7/7/2019:
Sideview looking towards the ocean.

Domingo, 7/7/2019:
Looking from behind the kitchen towards the entrance gate - basically the view from the front of the casita.
Domingo, 7/7/2019:
Front of the property just below our casita... on the fence is a maracuya (passionfruit) plant; and on the ground, camote (Ecuadorian sweet potato), which by the way are a purple color! But taste great...

Domingo, 7/7/2019:
And close to our casita (where our workers were snacking on some watermelon a few months ago!), check out the watermelon growing!
Martes, 7/9/2019:
Paulo continues to clear off the hill below our casita. Great job!

Martes, 7/9/2019:
Beginning the bamboo walls... beautiful laurel wood posts are up to frame the front door. Wilter also works on the cana (bamboo canes) to which the cana picada (a panel of cut bamboo pieces) will be attached.
Miercoles, 7/10/2019:
A little rain from last night remains on the lemongrass.... and when the sun hit it this morning, I couldn't resist getting some photos.

Miercoles, 7/10/2019:
Raindrops on lemongrass....amazing! Love my Nikon!
Miercoles, 7/10/2019:
Santiago in kitchen area, working on cana for walls.

Miercoles, 7/10/2019:
Wilter in bedroom area... bamboo canes define window area. The rest of the walls will be covered with cana picada.
Miercoles, 7/10/2019:
View from the front of the caretakers casita. The two wooden posts (near the horizontal bamboo) frame where the door will be off the front porch.
Happy Fourth of July - Independence Day - for all in the U.S.!
Here in Puerto Cayo, we are experiencing a day of "garua"... misty, drizzle! Our fruit trees in the quebrada love this kind of weather. A perfect day for staying indoors and uploading photos to the Internet! Also, a much needed day of rest - no construction today in the rain.
We are moving forward on our little casita near the gate. Brickwork almost complete, and soon we'll start erecting the bamboo portion and the roof. Can't wait to see the results. Check out the latest photos below and in the slide show.
Viernes, 6/28/2019:
Santiago works on squaring out and beginning the brick walls of what will become the bathroom in our little casita. Since there is quite a bit of slope behind it, we are using brick for the bottom section of wall - with bamboo above.

Viernes, 6/28/2019:
Near the front gate, looking into the quebrada (ravine) where the fruit trees have been planted. Here, you can see sugar cane, bananas and plantains - all growing like crazy. Really looking forward to picking our own fruit...
Viernes, 6/28/2019:
Outside the front gate. Our puerta is now finished - yellow, red and blue of the Ecuadorian flag. Our carpenter, Maestro Miranda, is working on a logo in wood (of 2 mountains) which will go on the bamboo section of fence; and also a sign to hang above the entrance with the name "Villa Dos Colinas".

Sabado, 6/29/2019:
Work continues on the bathroom brickwork in the casita.
Sabado, 6/29/2019:
Santiago is standing in the sink section of the bathroom, with the toilet to go behind the little privacy wall. To the left, will be the shower.

Sabado, 6/29/2019:
The view from the top of the back hill where Paulo has been clearing out the weeds and vines. A wonderful view of the ocean from this vantage point also!
Sabado, 6/29/2019:
Also from the back hill, looking towards the entrance gate, and stairs leading to the path up to our casita. To the left of the stairs above the trees, you can see the construction of the new casita.

Martes, 7/2/2019:
Brick on the backside of the casita has gone up, continuing into the kitchen area of the casita. In front of the bath and kitchen will be an open area for bedroom and living area.
Miercoles, 7/3/2019:
Back wall of the casita: from the left, a small closet or storage area, space for a fridge, countertop for sink and cooktop (with storage shelves underneath) next to the brick bathroom wall.
We Got Our New Doors!!
Miercoles, June 26, 2019: Our custom made doors for the palapa arrived, and they are absolutely GORGEOUS. Even better than we anticipated. Maestro Miranda is truly a master carpenter, and a true craftsman!
Check out the progress of the last couple days in the photos and slide show below.
Miercoles, 6/26/2019:
We asked for a "louvered" door for the pump room, as there is some heat generated when pool filter is running. Wow! This door is phenomenal.... perfecto!

Miercoles, 6/26/2019:
Today we have 4 guys working on the casita - the plan is to pour the whole floor in one day. Here, we are almost halfway!
Miercoles, 6/26/2019:
Maestro and his son have the pump room door hung. The son learns the trade from his father, and another generation of expert carpenters continues!

Miercoles, 6/26/2019:
The bodega and bathroom doors are hung in the palapa. The wood is natural laurel, finished with a brilliant clear lacquer. Laurel is a very popular wood in Ecuador, and we love it because of the natural color variations.
Miercoles, 6/26/2019:
Doug drew four designs for the doors. The one we chose is the bottom left.... Maestro did an incredible job of carrying out Doug's design. And the design is actually repeated on both sides of the door. Unbelievable!

Miercoles, 6/26/2019:
Back at the casita, the concrete pour continues!
Miercoles, 6/26/2019:
We are so pleased with today's work! The three doors, made to our specifications, were somewhat costly by Ecuadorian standards - but by American standards, you probably couldn't buy one door (let alone 3) for what we paid! $550.00 for 3 doors installed.

Jueves, 6/27/2019:
Another busy day! We ordered another 1,000 bricks - approximatetly the first meter of the walls will be brick - and the bricks were delivered within a couple of hours.
Jueves, 6/27/2019:
Wood is quite expensive in Ecuador, so we will use wood support only for the four corners. The rest of the wall/roof supports will be bamboo. Can't wait to see our casita take shape! Great job, Santiago!

Jueves, 6/27/2019:
The sun came out today - so, we now have our gate painted - the blue of the Ecuadorian flag! Looks great, Ney! We love it. Ney migrated from Venezuela, and works extremely hard, making a new life for his wife and daughter here in Ecuador. We have been extremely lucky to meet many incredible people here.